KP Surgical


Breast Augmentation


Breast Augmentation, clinically known as Augmentation Mammoplasty, is a transformative surgical procedure designed to enhance the breasts’ size, shape, and contour. This operation is often a beacon of transformation for individuals who seek to improve their physical appearance, emotional well-being, and functional capabilities. It is a popular choice among women who desire a fuller, more voluptuous bustline, thereby boosting their self-confidence and overall happiness. The need for Breast Augmentation can arise from various factors, including genetic predispositions, hormonal imbalances, and significant life events such as pregnancies and weight fluctuations. Additionally, societal influences and personal aesthetic preferences can play a role. The primary objective of this surgery is to create a breast size that is proportionate to the patient’s overall body structure, thereby enhancing both physical and emotional well-being.


The pathway to a successful Breast Augmentation begins with an exhaustive initial consultation. During this crucial meeting, the surgeon performs a comprehensive evaluation that includes a detailed medical history, a thorough physical examination focusing on the quality of breast tissue and skin elasticity, and possibly imaging studies for a complete understanding of the breast anatomy. During the consultation the surgeon will discuss the breast implant options, including implant size and shape. This consultation serves as a confidential platform for patients to discuss their specific concerns, aesthetic goals, and any apprehensions or questions they may have. Due to the intricacy of this procedure, general anaesthesia will be recommended. The type of anaesthesia used is determined through a collaborative decision-making process that takes into account the patient’s overall health status, any pre-existing medical conditions, and their comfort level with anaesthesia. General anaesthesia is often the preferred choice for this procedure, but local anaesthesia with sedation may also be an option depending on the complexity of the surgery.

Breast Augmentation is a highly individualised surgical procedure that employs a variety of techniques based on the patient’s unique needs.

An incision is made to create a pocket for the breast implant. There are different incision options, including an Inframammary incision along the crease beneath the breast, a Periareolar incision, made around the edge of the areola, or Transaxillary incision made in the armpit. The surgeon inserts the breast implant into the created pocket, carefully adjusting the position and symmetry of the implants to achieve the desired outcome. This includes ensuring that the breasts appear natural and symmetrical. Once the desired outcome is achieved, the incisions are closed using advanced suturing techniques. Topical antibacterial ointments and sterile dressings may be applied to minimise the risk of post-operative infections and aid healing

Once the desired modifications are achieved, the incisions are closed using advanced suturing techniques. Topical antibacterial ointments and sterile dressings may be applied to minimise the risk of post-operative infections and aid in healing. Additionally, a surgical bra may be recommended to provide support during the initial recovery phase.


PLEASE NOTE: While some results may be visible sooner, final results often take a few months for swelling to fully subside and implants settle into their final position.
Actual return to activity times will be discussed and agreed with your Surgeon.


You may choose to undergo an Breast Augmentation for a number of reasons:

Breast Augmentation offers a plethora of aesthetic benefits, including enhanced breast size and shape, improved body proportionality, and correction of asymmetry. The procedure can dramatically improve the contour and silhouette of the upper body, contributing to a more balanced and harmonious physique.
Functional benefits include easier fitting into clothes, improved posture, and even relief from certain types of back pain associated with smaller breast size. These functional gains often translate into an enhanced quality of life and increased physical activity levels.
The aesthetic and functional improvements achieved through Breast Augmentation often have a profound psychological impact. Many patients report a considerable boost in self-esteem, emotional well-being, and body image. This newfound self-confidence often translates into enhanced social interactions, professional opportunities, and overall life satisfaction.


Guide Price for
Breast Augmentation Procedure


While surgical procedures offer the potential for significant improvements in health and well-being, it is crucial to understand that they are not without risks. All surgical interventions carry inherent risks, which may include infection, bleeding, adverse reactions to anesthesia, scarring, and the possibility of unsatisfactory results. The specific risks associated with your procedure will be discussed in detail during your pre-operative consultations with our medical team. Our dedicated staff will work closely with you to minimise these risks, ensuring the safest and most successful outcome possible. It’s essential to follow all pre and post-operative instructions meticulously to reduce the likelihood of complications.


Post Op

Post-operative care post Breast Augmentation is paramount, ensuring the best results while minimising potential complications

"Really informative Consultation. Mark and Steve are great. It was a really nice place and the staff were lovely!"


Breast implants can obscure mammogram images, potentially missing some breast tissue. It’s crucial to inform the radiologist about the implants so they can use special techniques to get the best possible views.
The two primary materials are saline (saltwater solution) and silicone gel. Saline implants are filled after placement, allowing for smaller incisions, while silicone implants feel more like natural breast tissue.
The best size and shape depend on your body type, breast anatomy, skin elasticity, and personal preferences. A consultation with a plastic surgeon will help determine the most suitable option.
Recovery varies among individuals. Most patients can return to work within a week and resume strenuous activities in 4-6 weeks. Swelling, pain, and tightness are common initially but will subside over time.
Regular check-ups with your surgeon are essential. While implants don’t have an exact “expiration date,” they may need replacement or adjustment after 10-20 years.
The body doesn’t “reject” breast implants in the way it might reject a transplanted organ. However, complications like capsular contracture or implant rupture can occur, necessitating implant removal or replacement.
Yes, breast augmentation can be reversed through a procedure called implant removal or explantation. However, the breasts might not return to their exact pre-augmentation state, and additional procedures like a breast lift might be needed.