The journey towards resolving Carpal Tunnel Syndrome begins with an initial consultation. During this crucial meeting, the surgeon thoroughly evaluates the patient’s condition, including a detailed medical history, physical examinations, and possibly diagnostic tests like electromyography or nerve conduction studies. This comprehensive assessment serves as the foundation for tailoring the surgical approach to the individual patient’s needs.
Anaesthesia options are also discussed at this stage, with local anaesthesia often being the preferred choice due to its safety profile and the comfort it provides to the patient.
The surgical technique for Carpal Tunnel Decompression involves making a carefully planned incision in the palm or wrist to access the transverse carpal ligament.
This ligament is then meticulously severed to relieve the undue pressure exerted on the median nerve. Once this is accomplished, the incision is closed using sutures, and an antibiotic ointment may be applied to the surgical site to minimise the risk of postoperative infection.
You may choose to undergo a Carpal Tunnel Decompression procedure for a number of reasons: